Will Guzzardi for State Representative of the IL 39th District

Will Guzzardi

State Representative of Illinois’ 39th District

Will Guzzardi is a state representative from the 39th District, which includes parts of Logan Square, Avondale, Hermosa, Belmont Cragin and Portage Park. He’s been in the legislature since January of 2015. At age 30, he’s one of the youngest members of the Illinois House.

Will won election in 2014 by defeating a six-term incumbent with deep ties to the Chicago Democratic political establishment. He chose to run in the first place because he believed that Democrats in Springfield weren’t doing their jobs. They were giving huge tax breaks to the biggest corporations in Illinois while cutting services to the people and communities that needed them most. (In other words, they were acting like Republicans.)

Will ran because he believes that Democrats should stand up for basic decency for everyone. We should stand for quality education for every child in every neighborhood. We should stand for good-paying jobs with decent benefits for every worker in every sector. We should stand for guaranteed healthcare for everyone, a criminal justice system that’s fair to everyone, a planet that’s livable for everyone. And he knows we can accomplish all of these things, but only if we take control of our political system back from the CEOs and corporations who use government as a tool for their own enrichment. Learn more >


  • Strengthening our schools
  • Championing a progressive income tax
  • Started the  Tuition-Free Illinois campaign to make public universities tuition-free for all Illinois residents.
  • Keeping our neighborhoods safe
  • Protecting workers’ rights
  • Fighting for LGBT rights
  • Advancing women’s issues
  • Protecting our environment through sponsoring the Clean Jobs Bill
  • Advocating for comprehensive immigration reform centered on safe routes to citizenship and fair treatment of all immigrant workers, regardless of status

Why UN35 has endorsed this candidate:

  • Guzzardi’s positions on income inequality, policing, labor unions and school reform match our values. He is active supporter of Moral Mondays and a strong progressive voice in Springfield.
  • Guzzardi is also committed to a model of co-governing. He is committed to sharing the ins and outs of his work with engaged constituents.